Hood amateur gay videos

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Language: English Words: 10,881 Chapters: 4/12 Comments: 11 Kudos: 19 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 436 While he’s a romantic at heart hoping to find true love and freedom, at the end of the day it’s only a job.Īshton’s a broke cowboy with a thing for blondes, and Luke is a brothel worker with a weak spot for outlaws. Meanwhile Luke’s willing to do whatever it takes to get on the road westward to California, even though it takes becoming a brothel worker.

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Clifford’s ranch to make up for the heaping debts this cowboy’s racked up over time. But thank god he and Calum are on their way to a new job. The luck of the draw did not come up in Ashton’s favor. Not really a slow burn but it’s gonna take a minute before the smut floodgates open everyone.

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Honeyedlashton Fandoms: 5 Seconds of Summer (Band)

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